Supplier information


RSSL supplier information:

RSSL places great value in the relationships it builds with suppliers and is committed to working with companies who share our ethos of innovation, safety and high quality.  Below you will find some useful information on how to invoice RSSL and how to become a RSSL supplier. If you have any queries please contact us on +44 (0) 118 918 4076 or email


How to invoice RSSL:

RSSL is actively phasing out the processing of paper invoices, to take advantage of the benefits that electronic invoicing provides to our business and to you as our supplier.


Tungsten network:

Our vendor partners can now invoice us electronically via Tungsten Network. We strongly recommend that you adopt electronic invoicing, as it gives you better oversight, added visibility and improved control over your invoices. Most importantly, it speeds up the process for getting paid.


The benefits include:

  • Online tracking of invoice status and payment
  • Guaranteed delivery of invoices
  • Improved on-time payment, enabled by faster processing
  • Fewer rejected invoices, as you can identify and rectify potential errors on submission of an invoice
  • Confirmation emails that will precisely tell you when the invoice was received


To register with Tungsten, please click here: Tungsten Network. You will find some useful information in this video which provides guidance on how to get set up on Tungsten. How to get set up on Tungsten


How to become an RSSL supplier:

If you would like to form a relationship with RSSL by becoming one of our trusted suppliers, please email