Impurity isolation & sample purification


With in-depth expertise in preparative chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques, RSSL can support the isolation and identification of impurities and the purification of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).


Unknown impurities can arise at all stages of the pharmaceutical R&D lifecycle, from drug discovery through to commercialisation. Identifying and eliminating these impurities is essential to help protect patient safety. RSSL’s expertise in isolating and identifying impurities enables us to play a key role in helping you to research, develop and manufacture high quality pharmaceutical products.  

  • Xevo RD 4808 HR

    Impurity isolation and identification

    Preparative scale isolation is first carried out using chromatographic techniques and post-purification treatment, such as freeze drying. Advanced spectroscopic techniques can then be employed to identify the impurities of interest. Once the impurity has been identified, we also offer further scale-up for the isolation of larger quantities of impurities for use as reference materials.

  • Pharmachem RD 4853 HR

    Sample purification

    We also provide support with the development of sample purification methods. This includes support with scaling up your existing methods or developing bespoke reproducible purification approaches for your products and APIs.   

  • Invest RD 4960 HR

    Our techniques

    At RSSL, we offer a range of analytical techniques for impurity isolation and sample purification, including: 


    • Analytical Scale Chromatography - Reverse Phase, Ion Exchange and Normal Phase 
    • Preparative High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) 
    • Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FTIR) 
    • Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) 
    • (LC-MS) – with triple quadrupole 
    • Time-of-Flight (ToF) and Orbitrap 
    • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) 

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