Puppy partnership part two

RSSL is delighted to announce it has found the solution for one of the most difficult challenges facing the team in recent weeks – choosing a name for the yellow Labrador puppy sponsored by the science centre as part of the Dogs for Good Puppy Partner community scheme.



“Our handsome pup will be known as Monty which, as well as being a friendly name, has a meaning which we feel perfectly reflects what RSSL is all about. It’s associated with giving as much as possible and fulfilling expectations – values which are very much part of our family-friendly culture, both in terms of delivering for our clients and supporting each other during the working day.

“We are confident that Monty will live up to his name and enrich the lives of those he is placed with at the end of his training,” says Jacinta George, Managing Director at RSSL.

Dogs For Good is a charity organisation that brings people and dogs together through its assistance, community and family programmes to make a life changing difference.

At eight weeks old, Monty is only just beginning to learn about the world, how to communicate and what is expected of him. He has been placed with puppy socialiser, John, who is in charge of taking him through the first important weeks of the puppy training programme. Teaching basic obedience and social skills are essential, but so too is plenty of affection, play and rest – all of which will be readily available from John and his family.

An equally important part of process is getting Monty used to his green Dogs for Good jacket which will be his identifying uniform when he is a fully-trained working dog. By introducing it gradually, in short bursts, over time – along with plenty of praise and rewards - John will make sure Monty is confident and comfortable wearing it from an early age.

“We look forward to hearing all about Monty’s adventures over the next 12 months and watching him grow into an adult dog capable of bringing joy, support and companionship in his own special way,” adds Jacinta George.

Regular updates and photos of Monty will be posted on RSSL’s social media platforms - guaranteed to raise a smile.

Follow Monty’s journey on www.rssl.com or via RSSL’s social media channels LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook.
