A model approach to method validation

In the Autumn edition of Nutraceuticals Now, Rachel Reid, Senior Scientist, RSSL Functional Ingredients Laboratory, discusses a model approach to method validation.

Single method validation is a complex process with endless variations - but what happens when the situation is further complicated by an extensive product portfolio and a limited timeframe? Here, Rachel Reid explains how this challenging set of circumstances led to a forward-thinking solution.

There are many reasons for developing and validating methods for quantifying vitamins in supplements or food/drink products. From the need to comply with new or updated legislation, or substantiate health claims, to the adoption of new processing techniques or the latest on-trend ingredients, industry innovation drives change. This means product developers constantly need to ensure the analytical methods in place remain accurate and fit for purpose.

Whether the product in question is a brand new concept or a revamped version designed to widen its appeal, the basic principle remains the same; is the vitamin/active in the finished product still present in sufficient quantity at the end of its shelf life to satisfy the labelling claim? A seemingly simple question, but one which raises a series of challenging issues. And this is largely due to the inherent complexity of vitamins and the infinite variations of the product formulations themselves. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach. So what’s the answer?