Dogs for Good - Ludo's journey

Ludo, our new sponsor dog, is beginning his adventure with the team at Dogs for Good! Follow his progress here

Ludo heads to puppy class!

It has now been five months since Ludo was placed with puppy socialiser Janet and her family!

During this time, Ludo's calm and confident temperament has really started to emerge.

He has behaved fantastically in all the different environments that Janet has taken him to - shops, cafes, parks, the beach - Ludo takes it all in his stride!

Janet and Ludo recently attended their first puppy class with Dogs for Good puppy co-ordinator, Helen. Puppy classes are an important part of socialisation, covering key training aspects such as settling, greeting and lead walking.

The classes also give puppy co-ordinators the opportunity to monitor how the puppies are developing and address any concerns that socialisers may have.

Beach Run 2


With the ongoing support of Helen, Janet and Ludo are also working towards their “Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme”, specifically the Puppy Foundation Assessment programme.

This focuses not only on monitoring of Ludo's obedience, but on other important aspects of dog ownership, such as responsibility, care, cleanliness and identification.

Ludo is developing into a wonderful dog and we look forward to updating you on his continued progress soon!


Ludo settles in with Janet!

Little Ludo has now left his siblings and has been placed in the care of puppy socialiser Janet and her family.

Settling in well, clever Ludo already recognises his name and has mastered both 'sit' and 'wait' commands. He loves going outside and exploring the garden and has been relishing going further afield now he has had all his vaccinations. Enjoying short walks, Ludo is getting used to his lead, traffic and meeting other people and dogs.

Ludo has also experienced travelling in Janet's car, taking everything in his stride. Weather permitting, his adventures will continue next month with his first trip to the seaside!

Watch this space for more updates on our adorable sponsored pup!


A round of 'appaws' for puppy arrival!

We are excited to welcome our third Dogs for Good sponsored pup and - after much deliberation – we’ve named him Ludo!


This amazing charity helps people affected by autism, dementia and mental health challenges, live happier, healthier and more independent lives. These four-legged friends connect people, bring families together and make everyday life possible in so many different ways.


At just two months old, Ludo is at the very start of his journey and will soon be placed in the family home of an experienced puppy socialiser, where he will begin his first important weeks of training. 

“Getting the news that we had been assigned our next Dogs For Good puppy at the end of last year was the best Christmas present the team could have asked for. Having been involved with the charity for a number of years, we know these dogs really do bring joy into peoples’ lives and become life-changing companions.

“After the excitement of choosing a name, we’re now looking forward to following Ludo’s progress – and of course, all the photos!” says Jacinta George, managing director for RSSL. 


We’ll be posting regular ‘pupdates’ about Ludo, so don’t forget to check back and follow our social media platforms to keep in the loop with his adventures!