Sugar reduction, replacement & reformulation

We have extensive experience and expertise in sugar replacers and sweeteners, including natural alternatives across a wide variety of food categories allowing us to successfully reduce sugar or calories in products.


The recent news story surrounding Aspartame and Non-Sugar Sweeteners (NSSs) may have implications for your business and product category.  The advisory from the World Health Organization (WHO) cautioning against the use of NSSs for weight control, as well as the recent aspartame risk assessment by JECFA.


We understand the growing pressure from consumers, NGOs, and governments to reduce sugar in food and beverage products. While significant progress has been made in reducing sugar content in beverages, reformulating food remains a challenge, particularly in finding suitable replacements for the bulking properties of sugar.


To ensure your product formulations achieve a high standard of consumer acceptability while reducing or replacing sugar or sweeteners, collaborating closely with technical experts is essential. Our Product Development Team has extensive knowledge and expertise in sugar replacers and sweeteners, including natural sweeteners, with proven experience in reducing sugar or calories in a wide variety of food categories. The team also has experience in replacing artificial sweeteners and undertaking aspartame tests.

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Our sugar reduction, sweetener optimisation and reformulation services include:


  • Ingredient solutions: we assist you in selecting the most suitable replacers and natural alternatives, considering product quality, regulatory constraints, and ingredient costs. With our guidance you can confidently optimise formulations to achieve the desired results.


  • Formulation support: our expert guidance ensures that your reformulated products effectively reduce sugar content while maintaining texture and taste.  We consider the physical and microstructural properties of raw materials and food products ensuring high quality and stable formulations.


  •        Stability and shelf-life testing: ensuring that the food products maintain their desired properties, quality, and safety throughout their entire shelf life and under specified storage conditions. Our rigorous shelf-life studies will ensure your reduced sugar formulations remain consistent and meet the highest standards


  • Flavour and aroma profiling: we understand the impact of processing and formulation on the flavour characteristics of the product.  Our experts will ensure that the desired flavour profiles are not compromised during the sugar reduction process


  • Pilot scale up trials and production: with our cutting-edge pilot scale facilities, we can conduct trials and produce large quantities of high-quality samples for efficient scale-up processes.  This enables you to test and validate your sugar reduction strategies before implementing them on a larger scale.



Join the growing number of companies that have successfully navigated the challenges of sugar reduction with RSSL. Contact us today via our enquiry form below to learn more about our sugar reduction, reformulation and aspartame test services and how we can support you.



White Paper
Ingredient Solutions For Sugar Reduction
Food & Consumer Goods
Ingredient solutions for sugar reduction
Food R&D Brochure
Food & Consumer Goods
Food services brochure
White Paper
Guide To Sugar Reduction
Food & Consumer Goods
Guide to sugar reduction

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