We have trained hundreds of pharma professionals, giving them the auditing skills training to plan and conduct audits with confidence.


With our world-class IRCA certified pharmaceutical lead auditor training courses, you can rest assured that the auditee will respect you as an auditor, accepting the gaps and improvements in order for you to meet your audit objectives.

To support you even further with our pharmaceutical auditor training, we also have a range of entry level auditing courses introducing you to the requirements of key relevant standards that one might expect to audit against.

We have trained hundreds of pharma professionals, giving them the auditing skills training to plan and conduct audits with confidence.

Choice of IRCA pharmaceutical lead auditor courses

We offer two lead auditor course for the different categories of companies you maybe asked to audit, IRCA QMS lead auditor for the pharmaceutical supply chain (PS9000/ISO9001) – PR330 and IRCA GMP lead auditor (pharmaceutical quality systems) – PR325. To find out the differences between the two courses and what auditing skills course is right for you, visit Pharmaceutical lead auditing training courses.


Foundation Level (0-2 years)

Practitioner Level (2-5 years)

Professional Level (5+ years)

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

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