Allergen information – is Owen’s Law coming?

Invaluable insight from industry leaders

On-demand webinar


Join us for this insightful webinar and gain insights from industry-leading consultants as they discuss current allergen information requirements, changes proposed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA), and the potential implications for food businesses should Owen’s Law become reality. This webinar is suitable for those working in the food service and hospitality sector who could be impacted by the proposed changes.


Many food service businesses have been providing written allergen information to their customers as standard for years now. With on-going discussions within the FSA and the wider industry around mandating this information and bringing it into regulation, would we see a significant impact leading to increased consumer safety?




During the December FSA Board Meeting it was clear that their intention was to implement changes quickly, however at this point it is not known what the specific requirements will be and how different types of business operations will be accommodated.


The reasons behind the desire to take swift action are evident, given that we continue to see tragic deaths and serious reactions in people eating in food service settings. The Owen’s Law campaign has been a major driver of this discussion. However, experience has taught us that knee-jerk implementation of new regulation can pose significant challenges for the industry and the practicalities and hurdles faced by different types of businesses must be carefully considered.


This insightful webinar led by two industry-leading food safety consultants covers:


  • Current requirements for providing allergen information
  • The proposed changes the FSA are considering
  • The evolving landscape of this issue and why change may be needed
  • Potential implications for food businesses


Click here to watch this webinar on-demand. 

                                                                          Meet the speakers






Barbara Hirst – Food Safety and Quality Consultant, RSSL


Barbara is a Food Safety and Quality Consultant at RSSL where she has worked since 1998. In this role, she partners with customers and advises them on all aspects of allergen management, from risk assessment through to validation of controls. Barbara provides support to customers from a wide range of food manufacturing and food service backgrounds. Barbara provided extensive support to the food industry during both the horse meat issue and the alleged contamination of spices with nuts. Using her scientific and technical knowledge, Barbara has advised regulators and industry on best practice approaches to sampling, testing and validation of control measures.



Darryl Thomson - Safety Consultant, UK Hospitality

Since graduating with a degree in Catering Sciences, Darryl has had a long and fulfilling career which has included all aspects of food safety, trading standards and food technical, including allergens and supply chain safety and quality. Chairman of both the UK Hospitality Food Experts Group (playing an instrumental role in the publication of two issues of the Catering Industry Guide) and Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Steering Group (which provides FSA guidance), Darryl is currently a Safety Consultant for UK Hospitality. 

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